Art Exhibition of Veronika Czimmermann, Moment by Moment, at the contemporary art festival Tufest in Šternberk.
June 17 - September 17, 2023
moment by moment
Each moment flows into the next one and the next one... It is an endless sequence of events that in experience is immediate, natural, and filled with a direct connection with life. How difficult is it to perceive this nature? Moment by moment.
the story behind the installation…
Woman with the blue ring | 4x2m, acrylic on canvas
Travels in Oman, in silence, joy, with friends, and in connection with that which never goes anywhere. One moment after another, each completely filled. None is the same. Enter them and enjoy their endless continuum: an endless succession of cups full of life that intoxicate...
... Stop, open your eyes, body, and mind... Life is here, in every moment.
moments of a painting day
installation day
To touch yourself you need to go inside | sketch by acrylic marker
A woman stands in front of a mirror and touches her reflection, which is located on the other side of the door.
Just take the handle and enter. It's so simple to touch yourself, someone who does not let herself be disturbed and knows how to be, moment by moment.
how to enter?
the adventure of every moment
The power of sketching is incredible. Lose hand and a relaxed mind allow me to embark on adventurous paths without knowing their final destination.

the adventure
silence, space and receptivity
Dive deep into each moment and you will experience the life. Do not let yourself be distracted. Sink in the silence in between words.
Building a sweatlodge | 70x140cm, acrylic on canvas
In a mosque | 70x140cm, acrylic on canvas
Woman and the see | 100x120cm, acrylic on canvas

moments from the creation process
Why do I portray women so often?
For me, a woman represents the most significant symbol of receptivity, sensitivity, and openness.
However, this doesn't imply that I underestimate the power within her. On the contrary, the power that emerges from these qualities is the very essence of life itself.
It doesn't mean that I exclude men either. It's not about dividing humanity into groups. Rather, it's an expression of qualities that are accessible to all individuals. I choose to use the symbol of a woman to articulate them.
How did we end up drifting so far away from receptivity and openness?

Persian poet, mystic
His poems carry the fragrance of the moments and the life within them. Within the exhibition space, I have carefully placed his poems on large, white curtains, inviting you to walk amidst them and uncover the secrets they hold.
.. Pause with them for a moment and let your senses perceive...
... Perhaps they will guide you in, just as they have guided me...
I felt love
Did the rose
Ever open its heart
And give to this world
All its
It felt the encouragement of light
Against its
We all remain
The Gift, poems by Hafiz, the Great Sufi Master
creating the exposition from curtains